Natural Sweeteners
CAS No.: 520-26-3
EINECS No.: 208-288-1
Molecular Formula: C28H34O15
Molecular Weight: 610.57
Specification: 90~95% HPLC,98% UV, Micronized
The flavonoid hesperidin is a flavanone glycoside (glucoside) comprised of the flavanone (a class of flavonoids) hesperitin and the disaccharide rutinose. Flavonoids are a type of polyphenol, which are antioxidants found in plants and are essential to human health.
Besides its antioxidant properties, hesperidin can also be used as an anti-inflamrnatory,anti-allergic, hypolipidemic, vasoprotective, and anti carcinogenic compound. It seems to reduce the symptoms of allergies and hay fever by inhibiting histamine production in the blood Hesperidin, in combination with a flavone glycoside called diosmin, is used for the treatment of venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids.